Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
«The purpose and methodology of the research». Rationale for a phased implementation of the main directions of the restructuring of the system of financial provision of reproduction process in the agricultural sector in a deep crisis phenomena in the economy, obklopeny the imposition of economic sanctions against Russia. We used monographic, abstract-logic, economic-statistical and empirical methods of scientific research and the corresponding research techniques. «Research results». The author of the article clarified that in times of crisis the economy of any country when it comes to large investments in the agricultural sector with a distant return in time, increases the importance of state investment policy aimed at technological upgrading and competitiveness of agribusiness. Therefore, in the face of economic sanctions imposed by Western countries against Russia, without increasing the volume of targeted public investment funds allocated from the budget for the restructuring of agriculture, the implementation of this task in modern conditions is extremely difficult. To reverse the existing trend is called unified state investment policy in combination with other measures. This policy includes the management of processes of consolidation of the large financial resources of permanent makeup to their sources, the overflow of funds between sectors, industries and regions, their effective application to focus on the structural changes. In the implementation of a unified investment policy, only the government has a powerful Arsenal of tools for economic impact. Tax, price and customs policy of it fully creates an economic environment determines the opportunities and guidelines for structural and investment changes. For subsidized regions, which currently have virtually no financial resources for restructuring, budgetary funds are one of the most real sources stop the process of de-industrialization of the territory. At the regional level will require additional appropriations, in which the Pro-were the most serious destruction over the years of modern agrarian reforms, especially for the livestock industry. «Conclusions. Recommendations». The author believes that state intervention appropriate in terms of program and target approach by adjusting and implementing the state program of development of agriculture and of target complex programs (using the mechanism of co-financing) implemented in the region. In the Urals Federal district will make appropriate adjustments in regional programmes, to revise the size of the budget allocated to development of agriculture, to work on improving the economic mechanism of management, to configure entities to search for internal reserves of increase of efficiency and competitiveness of agricultural production. Agricultural unions should work towards stabilization of prices, conduct negotiations with retail chains and producers of agricultural products, promote the interests of agricultural producers in the state management of agriculture and other government agencies. They are expected to play a dual role - on the one hand, to act in the interests of its members, and on the other hand, to coordinate the market in the interests of consumers and taxpayers.

reproduction process, the state monetary policy, the restructuring of production systems, investment process
«The purpose and methodology of the research». Rationale for a phased implementation of the main directions of the restructuring of the system of financial provision of reproduction process in the agricultural sector in a deep crisis phenomena in the economy, obklopeny the imposition of economic sanctions against Russia. We used monographic, abstract-logic, economic-statistical and empirical methods of scientific research and the corresponding research techniques. «Research results». The author of the article clarified that in times of crisis the economy of any country when it comes to large investments in the agricultural sector with a distant return in time, increases the importance of state investment policy aimed at technological upgrading and competitiveness of agribusiness. Therefore, in the face of economic sanctions imposed by Western countries against Russia, without increasing the volume of targeted public investment funds allocated from the budget for the restructuring of agriculture, the implementation of this task in modern conditions is extremely difficult. To reverse the existing trend is called unified state investment policy in combination with other measures. This policy includes the management of processes of consolidation of the large financial resources of permanent makeup to their sources, the overflow of funds between sectors, industries and regions, their effective application to focus on the structural changes. In the implementation of a unified investment policy, only the government has a powerful Arsenal of tools for economic impact. Tax, price and customs policy of it fully creates an economic environment determines the opportunities and guidelines for structural and investment changes. For subsidized regions, which currently have virtually no financial resources for restructuring, budgetary funds are one of the most real sources stop the process of de-industrialization of the territory. At the regional level will require additional appropriations, in which the Pro-were the most serious destruction over the years of modern agrarian reforms, especially for the livestock industry. «Conclusions. Recommendations». The author believes that state intervention appropriate in terms of program and target approach by adjusting and implementing the state program of development of agriculture and of target complex programs (using the mechanism of co-financing) implemented in the region. In the Urals Federal district will make appropriate adjustments in regional programmes, to revise the size of the budget allocated to development of agriculture, to work on improving the economic mechanism of management, to configure entities to search for internal reserves of increase of efficiency and competitiveness of agricultural production. Agricultural unions should work towards stabilization of prices, conduct negotiations with retail chains and producers of agricultural products, promote the interests of agricultural producers in the state management of agriculture and other government agencies. They are expected to play a dual role - on the one hand, to act in the interests of its members, and on the other hand, to coordinate the market in the interests of consumers and taxpayers.

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