Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The modern economy has demonstrated a steady increase in the consumption of different types of energy resources. Therefore, the question arises for effective management of power consumption. The use of energomanagement involves the use of innovative solutions in the practical work of the company, changes in the psychology of consumption. At the national and international levels are developed energy management standards, stimulating the reduction of energy consumption through the development of new technologies of energy saving and energy efficiency. Detection and reduction of energy costs is based on the integration of planning, control and analytical procedures in the information and technological space of the company. Standardization of energy management enables you to prioritize the implementation of energy saving technologies. Integration in the energy management involves a cyclical process of planning, implementation, verification, control and adjust energy policy. Energy management system develops the skills of the staff and creative evaluation of the use of energy resources at each workplace. The information management system can function separately or as a subsystem of enterprise management system, so it is important to examine the stages of its creation and functioning, as well as factors of optimization and reduction of energy costs. Cost management in energy management requires the integration of the processes of collecting and processing information for planning, control, accounting and analysis in the process of using different types of energy resources to obtain competitive advantages.

energy resources, efficiency, energomanagement, standards, cost management, control, planning, energy consumption, integration, information system, optimization
The modern economy has demonstrated a steady increase in the consumption of different types of energy resources. Therefore, the question arises for effective management of power consumption. The use of energomanagement involves the use of innovative solutions in the practical work of the company, changes in the psychology of consumption. At the national and international levels are developed energy management standards, stimulating the reduction of energy consumption through the development of new technologies of energy saving and energy efficiency. Detection and reduction of energy costs is based on the integration of planning, control and analytical procedures in the information and technological space of the company. Standardization of energy management enables you to prioritize the implementation of energy saving technologies. Integration in the energy management involves a cyclical process of planning, implementation, verification, control and adjust energy policy. Energy management system develops the skills of the staff and creative evaluation of the use of energy resources at each workplace. The information management system can function separately or as a subsystem of enterprise management system, so it is important to examine the stages of its creation and functioning, as well as factors of optimization and reduction of energy costs. Cost management in energy management requires the integration of the processes of collecting and processing information for planning, control, accounting and analysis in the process of using different types of energy resources to obtain competitive advantages.

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