Fiber flax was officially declared a crop of the 19th century. There is a growing demand for the linen fabrics at the global market. The non-black area is traditionally considered as an ideal territory for growing this kind of crop. Until the 1990s the Smolensk Region accounted for 17%, and at best up to 33% of the flax fibre manufactured in Russia, which amounted up to 12% of the total volume of this crop production in the USSR, and made up 5-7% of its global output; the area under crops was more than 100 ths. ha, which was twice as much as the similar area in the Western Europe in total. Flax cultivation brought in 20% of the total income generated from agriculture within the region, while the profit received from the crop products amounted over 50%. However, the agricultural economy faced the imbalance, which affected the situation with the fiber flax production. In the absence of support, the rural areas became depopulated and the areas under crops were almost completely cut (by 2010 they amounted only 1.6 ths. ha). The present situation requires that the attitude towards this industry should be reconsidered in order to prevent its deterioration and allow for the positive changes aimed at satisfaction of the domestic market needs as well as getting access to the foreign market. Analysis of the flax-growing support programs revealed their inefficiency, therefore the authors suggest that the cluster-based flax production entities should be formed within the districts of the region, including agricultural enterprises, flax-processing plants, farm machinery depots and other overhead facilities. The funds will flow through one parent enterprise that will be responsible for the performance within the cluster as a whole. At a later stage it is suggested to form regional as well as cross-regional clusters (as a perspective trend), with a majour share of public ownership.
flax subcomplex, regional cluster, innovation-driven development, linen products, organizational and managerial mechanism, state support
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