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Abstract (English):
At the present stage of development increases the need for economic security and stable development of any industry, including construction. Consider the economic security problems in the control system. The theoretical and practical methodology of studying of an economic security of building branch of Russia is certain. Threats of an economic security of building branch and way of their neutralization are revealed. In view of high external dependence of the Russian economy and absence of decisive influence on the international means of interoperability (financial, information, diplomatic) it creates serious threats of an economic security. Should be considered external and internal threats to economic security in the technologically mating activities in an increasingly global crisis (by the example of the construction industry in Russia), from both a theoretical and a practical part. In this article conducted structural analysis, applied the dialectic method, system approach, etc. On the basis of a comprehensive study of external and internal threats to economic security in technologically conjugated activities proposed measures to offset the negative effects. The mechanism of an assessment of system of functioning of building branch is shown. Key tendencies of an economic security of building branch of Russia are presented.

economic security, threats and the risks, technologically interfaced activities
At the present stage of development increases the need for economic security and stable development of any industry, including construction. Consider the economic security problems in the control system. The theoretical and practical methodology of studying of an economic security of building branch of Russia is certain. Threats of an economic security of building branch and way of their neutralization are revealed. In view of high external dependence of the Russian economy and absence of decisive influence on the international means of interoperability (financial, information, diplomatic) it creates serious threats of an economic security. Should be considered external and internal threats to economic security in the technologically mating activities in an increasingly global crisis (by the example of the construction industry in Russia), from both a theoretical and a practical part. In this article conducted structural analysis, applied the dialectic method, system approach, etc. On the basis of a comprehensive study of external and internal threats to economic security in technologically conjugated activities proposed measures to offset the negative effects. The mechanism of an assessment of system of functioning of building branch is shown. Key tendencies of an economic security of building branch of Russia are presented.

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