Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the main economic, legal and institutional preconditions for adjustment of the mechanism for the removal of abandoned agricultural lands, which was formed in recent years. Also author is analyzing the measures of such correction, which the legislator has implemented in the summer of 2016. Now most of the disadvantages in the specified mechanism eliminated, however, only the time will tell how much is optimal of these decisions in terms of their practical application. The author also describes a number of problems of procedure of land sales, which apply with 2015.

agricultural land, legislation, withdrawal of land plot, land auctions
The article describes the main economic, legal and institutional preconditions for adjustment of the mechanism for the removal of abandoned agricultural lands, which was formed in recent years. Also author is analyzing the measures of such correction, which the legislator has implemented in the summer of 2016. Now most of the disadvantages in the specified mechanism eliminated, however, only the time will tell how much is optimal of these decisions in terms of their practical application. The author also describes a number of problems of procedure of land sales, which apply with 2015.

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