Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article specifies the operation and features of the organization of breeding dairy cattle in Russia and in the Krasnodar Territory; it defines Russia's share in world production of raw milk and gives characteristic features of its breeding base in dairy cattle; analyzes the changing trend in dairy cow productivity on commercial farms in industrialized countries. The article provides an assessment of the structure of dairy cows livestock in Russia and justifies the advantage of the Holstein breed in terms of milk yield and milk payment of feed. It proves the feasibility of activation of selection and breeding work aimed at the development of new types of zonal and dairy cattle breeds adapted to the existing animal housing conditions and feeding conditions. The authors formulate and justify priorities for the development of dairy cattle breeding in Russia, which include: ensuring growth and better utilization of the genetic potential of the animals, the development and diffusion of innovative technologies of herd reproduction for its accelerated renovation and improvement of the quality characteristics of manufactured breeding products, capable of ensuring the implementation of the import substitution policy.

dairy cattle, breeding, breed of dairy cattle, productivity, economic efficiency
The article specifies the operation and features of the organization of breeding dairy cattle in Russia and in the Krasnodar Territory; it defines Russia's share in world production of raw milk and gives characteristic features of its breeding base in dairy cattle; analyzes the changing trend in dairy cow productivity on commercial farms in industrialized countries. The article provides an assessment of the structure of dairy cows livestock in Russia and justifies the advantage of the Holstein breed in terms of milk yield and milk payment of feed. It proves the feasibility of activation of selection and breeding work aimed at the development of new types of zonal and dairy cattle breeds adapted to the existing animal housing conditions and feeding conditions. The authors formulate and justify priorities for the development of dairy cattle breeding in Russia, which include: ensuring growth and better utilization of the genetic potential of the animals, the development and diffusion of innovative technologies of herd reproduction for its accelerated renovation and improvement of the quality characteristics of manufactured breeding products, capable of ensuring the implementation of the import substitution policy.

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