Интеграл 3/2022


Opportunities to meet consumer demand in the face of sanctions

Арсаханова Зина Абдуловна, Профессор кафедры финансов, кредита и антимонопольного регулирования, ФГБОУ ВО «Чеченский государственный университетимени А-Х.Кадырова» (364020 Россия, г. Грозный, ул. Асланбека Шерипова, д. 32),  тел. +7(495)651-05-86, mguspaeva@mail/ru

 Zina A Arsahanova., Professor of the Department of Finance, Credit and Antimonopoly Regulation, FSBEI HE «Chechen State University named after A.Kh. Kadyrov» (32  Aslanbek Sheripov  st.,  Grozny,  364020  Russia), tel. +7(495)651-05-86, , mguspaeva@mail/ru


Аннотация. Главной задачей предприятия, а особенно пищевой промышленности в современном мире является удовлетворение спроса потребителей. Спрос на товар определяет рынок. Поэтому предприятия придают большое значение ассортименту- он является ключевым элементом в конкурентной борьбе. Важно грамотно сформировать ассортимент, чтобы обеспечить успешную и эффективную деятельность предприятия. Ассортиментная политика, как важный элемент конкурентной борьбы, заключается в определении товарной номенклатуры с учетом всех возможностей и ограничений. С учетом изменений, которые постоянно происходят на рынке, важно контролировать корректировку ассортимента продукции. Для ведения регулярной политики необходимо проводить маркетинговые исследования, чтобы выявить товары, имеющие наибольший спрос. Далее на основе полученных исследований формируется набор продукции. На формирование ассортимента влияют следующие факторы: Общие: спрос, рентабельность; Специфические: сфера деятельности и специализация предприятия, возможности производства, имеющаяся материально-техническая база и тому подобное. Основа звена ассортиментной политики – изменения денежных потоков, которые меняются вместе с ассортиментом, а также перспективы финансового развития. Если планируется расширять ассортимент, стоит рассчитывать на увеличение расходов и принятие важных решений относительно товара.

Abstract. The main task of the enterprise, and especially of the food industry in the modern world, is to meet consumer demand. The demand for a product determines the market. Therefore, enterprises attach great importance to the assortment — it is a key element in the competitive struggle. It is important to correctly form the assortment in order to ensure the successful and efficient operation of the enterprise. Assortment policy, as an important element of competition, is to determine the product range, taking into account all the possibilities and limitations. Taking into account the changes that are constantly taking place in the market, it is important to control the adjustment of the product range. To conduct a regular policy, it is necessary to conduct marketing research to identify the products that have the greatest demand. Further, on the basis of the obtained studies, a set of products is formed. The following factors influence the formation of the assortment: General: demand, profitability; Specific: the scope of activity and specialization of the enterprise, production capabilities, available material and technical base, and the like. The basis of the assortment policy link is changes in cash flows that change along with the assortment, as well as prospects for financial development. If you plan to expand the range, you should count on an increase in expenses and making important decisions regarding the product.

Ключевые слова: политика, финансовое развитие, факторы, ассортимент, рентабельность

Keywords: policy, financial development, factors, assortment, profitability


  1. Gurkov, I., Goldberg, A., & Saidov, Z. (2017). Strategic agility and persistence: HEM’s entry into the Russian market of expendable materials for clinical laboratories. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 36(5), 12–19. https://doi.org/10.1002/joe.21797
  2. Kalieva, E. A., Yakovlev, A. S., & Kolychev, A. V. (2017). Modern cooperation marketing applied to promote municipal sports: Case study of local sports and gto complex test promotion project. Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury, (12), 9–11.
  3. Miles, I., Belousova, V., & Chichkanov, N. (2017). Innovation configurations in knowledge- intensive business services. Foresight and STI Governance, 11(3), 94–102. https://doi.org/10.17323/2500-2597.2017.3.94.102
  4. Muratova, A. R., Shumilina, M. A., & Lapshina, M. I. (2017). Modern approaches to organization of effective marketing activity management of textile industry enterprises. Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Seriya Teknologiya Tekstil’noi Promyshlennosti, 370(4), 53–57.
  5. Savelyeva, I., Belyaev, N., Trofimenko, E., & Aliukov, S. (2017). Assessment of the industrial innovative solutions viability: The methodic and practical aspects of marketing, technical and economic efficiency on operational and strategic levels. In Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science (Vol. 2230, pp. 658–662).
  6. Selivanova, O. A., Khromin, E. V, & Kraev, A. A. (2017). Systemic management innovations in municipal physical culture and sports sector for success of juvenile delinquency prevention projects. Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury, (12), 6–8.
  7. Sevastyanova, A. E. (2017). Creating the conditions for innovation development of resource-based regions. Regional Research of Russia, 7(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1134/S2079970517010075
  8. Skripnik, O. (2017). Increase in competitiveness of housing-and-communal services. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 90). https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/90/1/012144
  9. Sycheva, I. N., & Svistula, I. A. (2017). Cross-sectoral approach to improving integration processes in agro-industrial complexes [Enfoque intersectorial para mejorar los procesos de integración en complejos agroindustriales]. Espacios, 38(33), 6.
  10. Uksumenko, A. A., Kuzmicheva, I. A., & Vorozhbit, O. Y. (2017). Effective marketing strategy for regional banks. European Research Studies Journal, 20(4), 558–567.


  1. Gurkov, I., Goldberg, A., & Saidov, Z. (2017). Strategic agility and persistence: HEM’s entry into the Russian market of expendable materials for clinical laboratories. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 36(5), 12–19. https://doi.org/10.1002/joe.21797
  2. Kalieva, E. A., Yakovlev, A. S., & Kolychev, A. V. (2017). Modern cooperation marketing applied to promote municipal sports: Case study of local sports and gto complex test promotion project. Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury, (12), 9–11.
  3. Miles, I., Belousova, V., & Chichkanov, N. (2017). Innovation configurations in knowledge- intensive business services. Foresight and STI Governance, 11(3), 94–102. https://doi.org/10.17323/2500-2597.2017.3.94.102
  4. Muratova, A. R., Shumilina, M. A., & Lapshina, M. I. (2017). Modern approaches to organization of effective marketing activity management of textile industry enterprises. Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Seriya Teknologiya Tekstil’noi Promyshlennosti, 370(4), 53–57.
  5. Savelyeva, I., Belyaev, N., Trofimenko, E., & Aliukov, S. (2017). Assessment of the industrial innovative solutions viability: The methodic and practical aspects of marketing, technical and economic efficiency on operational and strategic levels. In Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science (Vol. 2230, pp. 658–662).
  6. Selivanova, O. A., Khromin, E. V, & Kraev, A. A. (2017). Systemic management innovations in municipal physical culture and sports sector for success of juvenile delinquency prevention projects. Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury, (12), 6–8.
  7. Sevastyanova, A. E. (2017). Creating the conditions for innovation development of resource-based regions. Regional Research of Russia, 7(1), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1134/S2079970517010075
  8. Skripnik, O. (2017). Increase in competitiveness of housing-and-communal services. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 90). https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/90/1/012144
  9. Sycheva, I. N., & Svistula, I. A. (2017). Cross-sectoral approach to improving integration processes in agro-industrial complexes [Enfoque intersectorial para mejorar los procesos de integración en complejos agroindustriales]. Espacios, 38(33), 6.
  10. Uksumenko, A. A., Kuzmicheva, I. A., & Vorozhbit, O. Y. (2017). Effective marketing strategy for regional banks. European Research Studies Journal, 20(4), 558–567.

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